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ITP Open House

Wednesday, April 17, 2019; 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Integrative Trauma Program Open House

National Institute for the Psychotherapies
250 West 57th Street, Suite 501
Conference Room
New York, NY 10107

Register Here

You are invited to attend the Integrative Trauma Program's (ITP) Open House, where faculty members, supervisors, and administrators will welcome you and introduce NIP's trauma training options.

The Open House will include information on:

The Certificate Program in Integrative Trauma Studies (9 months, CE credits available)

The Integrative Trauma Program's Clinical Affiliate Program (Supervised clinical practice opportunity)

Hear a stimulating clinical case presentation that illustrates our unique approach to integrative trauma treatment. You are welcome to join the Q & A and discussion that follows the presentation.

For additional information about the Integrative Trauma Program:

Questions? (212) 582-1566 or